All About Homeschooling

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Homeschooling Faq: 6 Kinds Of Record Keeping

Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


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Homeschooling, for those who are asking, is legal. As of now, fifty states have allowed homeschooling and have provided laws for its implementation. They have different laws though and some of the states require that you can show some kind of records to show that youre homeschooling your children. There are several ways you can keep record of your childrens progress and here are some of them.

1. Daily Lesson Plans

Daily lesson plans show what subjects you have taught to your children. They will also show the way your childrens lessons are progressing (from basic to intermediate to advanced).

These lesson plans could be important for school officials to learn what could be lacking from your schooling and in what area they could help you with. Teachers could also help you with lessons that could be a good primer for the next and more advanced level of any subject.

2. Time Spent For Each Subject

Time spent for each subject is an indication of what subjects you have focused on and what subject your children might be having some problem absorbing. Although this is not an accurate basis, this could be used to understand problem areas and reasons why your children are having an easy (or tough) time on their subjects.

3. Diaries and Journals Updated Regularly

Regular diary and journal entries of your childrens achievements (or failures) are a good way to keep a record of your homeschooling. This can prove helpful in two ways. The first is you can keep track of what areas your children have already studied. This will prove beneficial in monitoring your childrens progress with their lessons.

The second way it can help is that it will help you in knowing where your children are having an easy time and where they need more time and attention. This is important so you could focus on one subject if you think your children need it.

4. Grades

It is simple to create or copy a test or exercise from one of the books your children use. Results from these exams can be compiled and recorded. These, just like any other records, can be proof of your childrens achievements. Grades are more concrete records of your childrens progress and concrete proof if someone wants to look at your childrens records.

Grades also give your children a sense of achievement. This will help in building their characters and giving a boost in their egos. Failures can also help, too. You just have to handle their feelings carefully and make sure that they realize that they can make their failures as stepping stones to success.

5. Portfolios

Portfolios are a collection of your childrens works, from their exercises to their tests and anything that they have done while schooling. For your younger children, these could include the first time they write a letter or the whole alphabet. Included in their portfolio are their mathematical computations and other exams. For your older children, this could include pictures from recent field trips to museums and other historical trips. Other things that could be included are science tests and experiments and, if possible, a picture of your childrens science projects.

6. Standardized Tests

A standardized test performed by an authorized school official could be a good way to let the government know if youve been schooling your child at home. These tests will show what subjects your children are having any problems with. Results from these exams (even if your children fail) will not really be a gauge of the success of your homeschooling. These tests would let school officials know how to help you with regards to subjects your children are having difficulty with.

There are several reasons why you would want your children to take a standardized test. The first reason is given above. These tests will let you know what subjects your children are having some difficulty with.

Another reason is to gauge your childrens abilities and knowledge compared with people their age. These will help in knowing whether your children are advanced, late or at just the right level in respect to other children. This could help you in deciding what your next approach to your childrens lessons you will take.

by Tim Brechbill

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